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Bubble Pop | njew.icnc.com
Bubble Pop

Pop multicolored bubbles in this easy-to-play but hard-to-learn adaptation of the classic bubble shooter gameplay. Features three gamemodes and a complex (at the time) high score system.

Once the game loads, players attempt to shoot as many bubbles as possible by clicking on a bubble with the same color as the player's current shot (displayed by the first circle from the left at the top right, and by the color of the on-screen text). Players can also see the color of their next shot (far right circle), and switch if they wish using the SWITCH button. Players can also link bubbles of the same color for more points. Each adjacent bubble is worth 10 more points than the value of the previous bubble.
Bubble Pop features three gamemodes: Classic, Arcade, and Zen. In Classic mode, players must pop all the bubbles in the arena, and aim for the highest score in the fewest shots and shortest time. In Arcade mode, players aim for the highest score with a limited number of shots. In Zen mode, players aim for the highest score in a limited amount of time.

The game was originally developed as a birthday gift, and was not meant to be released to the website. This explains its complex rules and scoring system. However, many of the features included in the game were revolutionary, including a pause menu, raycasting, a randomly generated arena, a separate main menu scene, multiple gamemodes, custom classes, and binary formatting (used for high scores).

  • All of the music featured in the game comes from the LittleBig Planet series. The main menu theme is 'The Orb of Dreamers'. The Classic mode song is 'Left Bank Two' sped up by 125%, the Arcade mode song is 'Disco Divertimento', and the Zen mode song is 'The Islands (Interactive)' sped up by 125%.
  • Bubble Pop was the first game to feature binary formatting to serialize data.
  • Bubble Pop is the only game on the website where players can save a name with their score (excluding temporary scores such as Multiplayer Madness).
  • The Bubble Pop's loading is actually due to the fact that the bubbles needed to be spawned with delays so they wouldn't crash into each other and fly out of the arena (this is due to poor game design). This is why it takes the game so long to start up.
  • Most players don't bother to learn how the rules, causing them to spam the shoot button confusedly and leave the game without finishing. This is partially due to the rules being difficult to find.
  • Shooting often misses, as the visual laser and the laser that is actually being shot are separate from one another. The laser that is visible in the game is actually shot from slightly below where the actual laser is shot, as the actual laser shoots directly from the center of the camera, which would not work for the visual laser.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity Web Player

Dimensions: 960x640

Completion: Full Game


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Copyright © Nathan Jew