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CSB Hunter | njew.icnc.com
CSB Hunter

Although this game does not have an official name, this game was planned to allow players to play through some key moments in the history of the CSB class of 2015, from the peak of the Explorer's Club in 2008 to the 4th Grade/2nd Grade wars in 2011 to the revolution of Joseph for Student Council President in 2015. Late in the process, however, the game was abandoned to instead work on CSBrawl, leaving only this demo of the first level.
NOTE: may not be suited for a public, non-CSB-student audience.

The game features standard 2D side-scrolling movement (using A and D or the ARROW keys), although jumping was removed to simplify the character. Gameplay is instead centered around shooting enemies (by clicking) with a variety of interchangeable weapons, ranging from a blue laser shot to a flamethrower. The player can also switch weapons (once the player gains access to more than one) using the 1, 2, and 3 keys.

Development on CSB Hunter began towards the beginning of the school year, though most of the progress on the game came from later in the school year, around March and April. The most time-consuming process was level design, as it was a new field that previous games had never explored (with the exception of Ultimate Survival 2D). Art was designed specifically to be simple and joint-based, which reduced the time spent on the sprites.
The player's design came from designing a simple character with as few animations as possible. To do this, the character was based around simple shapes: a circle and a box. This helped greatly reduce the time spent on sprite work, and this philosophy eventually inspired the creation of more complex joint-based characters as seen in CSBrawl and Ultimate Survival: Endless. This simple shape-based character design was also featured in the multiplayer game Rival.
There were two levels created for the demo: the tutorial level (set in a space station reminiscent of Ultimate Survival) and the Explorer's Club level. The tutorial level featured extremely simple, refined and remastered sprites from previous games (the turrets from Block Bomb Survival, the targets from Target Practice, and the rest of the station based off of the station from Ultimate Survival 2D). The second level was originally planned to be the first of several levels set in the Explorer's Club era. To create the level, several basic, premade assets (known as prefabs) were created for reuse throughout the level, including a repeated ground sprite. Featured enemies included the 'Bouncing Swordsman', which was programmed to jump towards the player and spin while in mid-air, the 'Slashing Swordsman', which was programmed to charge towards the player and slash its sword for large amounts of damage, the 'Myosh' (pronounced "mee-OH-sh"), which was programmed to bounce randomly in a contained space, the 'Mega Myosh', a larger and more dangerous version of the Myosh, and the throwing knife.

  • Each time period was to feature around 3 levels with era-specific enemies, and a final boss fight with a major character from that time. The zones and final bosses originally planned were the Explorer's Club (with Stephen), 4th Grade - 2nd Grade war (with Mason), The Smiley - Frowny War (with Zachary A), Gruffy Canyon (unknown final boss), Hunt the Ian (with Ian), and the presidential revolution (with Joseph).
  • In order to extend the level horizontally without taking up to much space, the level was divided into 3 segments (checkpoints).
  • Both Nastronaut JoLo (from the original Scratch version of CSBrawl) and the SpaceDude (from Ultimate Survival 2D) make appearances in the windows of the space station level.
  • Other names that the game has gone under include 'CSB Game', 'Explorer's Club', and 'CSB Cannon Game'.
  • The only audio in the game is the shooting sound (identical to Target Practice) and the flamethrower sound (from Hunt the Ian's fire bombs).
  • The currency featured in the game is 'Border Money', which is a reference to a currency created by Mac and Juancho in 4th grade used expand table border space, and eventually buy snacks and school supplies before being banned in 5th grade.
  • Before CSBrawl, this game was planned to be the final and ultimate game for the website.
  • Despite having decent art, the game has largely been ignored for being short, a bit too challenging, confusing, and unfair without the ability to jump.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity Web Player

Dimensions: 1024x768

Completion: Demo


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Copyright © Nathan Jew