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Extreme Racer | njew.icnc.com
Extreme Racer

Speed your way around a circular track as you race against two other cars in this prototype racing game. Features cars and controls from the Unity Standard Assets.

Players control their car using WASD - where W accelerates, S reverses, and A and D turn the car.

Extreme Racer was developed around the same time as The Museum (the first one), inspired by car object that came with Unity's Sample Assets (which was used to get the Advanced Flight airplane for display). The project was very different from other games and extremely experimental, and thus had a very short development period.

  • The music featured in the game comes from LittleBig Planet Karting, specifically 'The Space Bass'. The practice mode theme is the 'Lullaby Set' from the game Braid, and the main menu music is 'Jazz_BossaNovaTropics_Loop' from the 'Dark Future' music pack on the Asset store.
  • Extreme Racer was one of the first games to use trigonometry in code (without being borrowed from someone else's code). It was used to calculate the angle of the cars relative to the circular track to figure out who was ahead.
  • The minimap at the top-right of the screen works much like the radar in Hunt the Ian, where another orthographic camera is placed above the map. This explains why skid marks can be seen on the mini-map.
  • The circular track was chosen to simplify placement calculations and 3D modeling.
  • If the player does not interact with the other cars, the blue car will always beat the red car, as its speed is not properly balanced. In addition, the player's car will eventually pass the blue car as well, which is a subtle hint towards the gold team being superior to the red team (CSB).


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Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity Web Player

Dimensions: 1136x640

Completion: Demo


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