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Hunt the Ian | njew.icnc.com
Hunt the Ian

Hunt the Ian is back - now with actual Ians to hunt! This re-imagining of the Hunt the Ian concept now features a top-down perspective and a unique set of weapons from the source material. Although vastly different from its predecessors, this new game aims to better capture the spirit of the one night that started it all.

This game is best played with headphones.

As the name implies, the goal of the game is to hunt and kill all the Ians on the map - before they start to hunt you. Each round there are a certain number of Ians to kill, and the Ians get progressively more deadly as the game continues.

Use WASD to move your character around and CLICK to shoot. However, each bullet shot must be picked back up in order to be used again, although there is a 2 bullet bonus for each round completed. In a pinch, however, the player can hold SHIFT to reload their gun.

Ians are often invisible, both when hiding and when hunting. To reveal hidden Ians, press E to use the Ian Hunting Ring. This light has a limited battery, but it recharges quickly when not in use. If Ians get too close, the player can also press Q to use the Berserker's club, which will hit Ians away and allow the player to escape. However, it does not deal any damage.

The game is best played with sounds on, since doors opening in the distance and the sound of crawling Ians can be a useful hints as to when the Ians are beginning their hunt.

The game was created during development of Multiplayer Madness, after the real life Ian mentioned the concept during conversation. Feeling guilty about the game's failed history, Nathan decided to dedicate more time to the concept, and worked on it on late nights after his internship. After about one week of development, the game was uploaded to the website.

  • The game also came with a trailer, which featured footage from the original game of Hunt the Ian. The trailer also highlighted specific moments from which the game mechanics drew inspiration from.
  • The main menu music is actually a hastily remixed version of Hymn 243. The music that plays at the beginning of each round is also a remix, this time of Hymn 456.
  • The ambient music is from the original Five Nights at Freddy's, one of Ian's favorite games from back in the day.
  • The trailer music is also tailored to Ian's tastes, as it is a remixed version of Red's Theme from the Pokemon games.
  • Ian actually voiced the in-game Ians and the player. However, the Ian screams are from the original real-life Hunt the Ian, while the player death sound was recorded much later.
  • The gun is meant to be a recreation of the Nerf guns used during battles. The Berserker's club also happens to be a Nerf weapon, used by Joseph.
  • Much of the gameplay actually came from Multiplayer Madness, which used a similar limited vision system.
  • The Ian artwork was inspired by the weird ninja-like creatures featured in the Scratch version of the game.
  • Some of the mechanics were tweaked by Jack Southard, who play tested the game a day before its release. His suggestions included the minimap, the extended Ian Hunting Ring lifetime, and the door sound effects.


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Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity WebGL (New)

Dimensions: 960x600

Completion: Full Game


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Copyright © Nathan Jew