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Laser Tag | njew.icnc.com
Laser Tag

Battle other players online in an epic team-based 3D multiplayer first person shooter! Customize your character to fit your playstyle and defeat your enemies with a precise laser gun.

Before entering a match, players can choose their name, change their height (which determines whether they are able to shoot over things or hide under things), width (determines how much health versus how easy to hit), and gun muzzle (determines average rate of fire versus average damage per hit). Players also can choose to be on either the red team or the blue team.
Once set, players are dropped into a small 3D arena with small fortresses on either side and several barricades for cover in the center. Players are spawned with a randomized damage and rate of fire based on their gun muzzle size, and are then able to roam around freely using WASD, jump using SPACE, and shoot using the mouse. The goal is to reach 25 points (kills) before the other team.

Laser Tag was developed as a sort of rival to Multiplayer Madness, heavily based on the tutorial by YouTuber 'quill18creates'. The game was developed over the course of several weeks, but its more apparent lag and glitches caused the game to drop quickly in favor of the more easy-to-play Multiplayer Madness. Production was cancelled after 4 versions, despite being superior in several ways to Multiplayer Madness.

  • The game was originally titled 'Cool School Shootout', similar to the original 'Cool School Brawl' (CSBrawl) from Scratch, but was renamed to Laser Tag after the second version of the game for obvious reasons.
  • In the original versions of Laser Tag, the game was a free-for-all with every character holding a green laser gun.
  • Joseph would almost always play using a character named 'Big Red', with settings set to the shortest height, greatest width, and largest gun muzzle. The name is a reference to Caen Roberts' incorrect naming of 'The Big Red Spot' on Jupiter in an astronomy unit at CSB. This character and its likeness eventually found their way into 3D Baller as the shopkeeper and in the description of the Red costume in Swipe & Shoot.
  • The music on startup is titled 'Video Game 7' from freesound.org, and the in-game music (though the original title and source is unknown) is titled 'hardcoreDrumBeat'.
  • The character prefabs happen to be named 'mygobject', which is short for 'My GameObject'.
  • The characters use Unity's premade first person controller, which includes movement, camera control, and head bobbing.
  • The cancellation of Laser Tag was one of the first news articles to appear on lernerone.com's new Newsroom page.
  • The game's relatively low success may have been partially responsible for Joseph's extended break from Unity game making. This was never confirmed.
  • The game was the first game on the website to utilize Unity's new UI.
  • The project is titled 'QuillFPS', named after the YouTuber and his tutorial.


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Creator: Joseph Lerner

Format: Unity Web Player

Dimensions: 1120x640

Completion: Demo


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