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Project 17 | njew.icnc.com
Project 17

Explore a massive procedurally generated galaxy and visit strange new planets as you collect resources for your ship. Complete various quests to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Players can control their ship using a virtual joystick by clicking and dragging anywhere on the screen. By flying into a planet's atmosphere, players can also orbit the surface and collect resources by flying over them. To shoot enemies, use the SPACE bar.

Project 17 was developed as Nathan and Jack's i2 project for the 2016-2017 school year. The project made relatively steady progress over the course of a few months, with Jack doing the majority of the work while Nathan crammed to complete his online computer science course CS50. Shortly after the first few iPhone builds however, progress slowed as Jack began pursuing new ideas and the project itself became littered with buggy code and a general lack of interesting gameplay. By spring of 2017, the game was virtually abandoned.

  • The game often goes under the name 'Spation', a name Nathan made up early in the project's development as a combination of the words 'space' and 'exploration' (based on the game's original pitch as a "space exploration game").
  • The background music is an original song officially known as 'UrVolumeIsOn', and is reportedly Nathan's favorite original track on the website.
  • For the missions that involve traveling to a specific planet, the first planet is officially named 'PlanetFrank' and the second is named 'PlanetAlbert'.
  • Another potential name for the project was 'Wormhole', as the original story featured a wormhole as the driving plot device.
  • There were actually three other songs written for the game in a radio station style, but these were never featured in the game. They were 'Saspradio' (a remix of the Swipe & Shoot theme), 'First' (a remix of Nathan's first song in Figure), and 'Chase March' (a remix of a song made by Chase Leffers in 7th grade).
  • Project 17 was the first project on the website primarily coded by Jack. He actually spent a decent amount of effort on the cleanliness of the code, making sure that the code was at least more well-designed than Swipe & Shoot.
  • Like in Swipe & Shoot, Jack designed all of the 3D models used in the game (excluding the planets, which are procedurally generated). This time he used Blender.
  • Jack featured this project for his presentation at the i2 showcase in 2017, along with his work on the terrain generator for Imperium and an unfinished project featuring insect creation.
  • The code for flying around a planet was notoriously complicated to design, even with the help of the local math genius Sawyer Dobson.
  • The low-poly style was chosen to make it run more smoothly on mobile.
  • It is believed that the game was partially inspired by the 2016 game No Man's Sky.
  • The name 'Project 17' actually came from the fact that the game would supposedly be finished in 2017.
  • The project file is actually named 'Scrap', which was the name of a short-lived 2D robot building game that was cancelled and replaced with Project 17.


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Creators: Jack Southard, Nathan Jew

Format: Unity WebGL (New)

Dimensions: 1136x640

Completion: Demo


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