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Rocket Madness | njew.icnc.com
Rocket Madness

Dodge an onslaught of rocket launcher enemies in this singleplayer spinoff of the popular Multiplayer Madness. This game includes the original sound effects and music, and offers a relative challenge with joystick controls for mobile use.

Players control a character from a top-down perpsective and dodge incoming rockets shot by enemies. These enemies are designed to move towards the character, stop when they are close to the player, and fire rockets. In order to survive, the player must dodge the rockets and get them to hit other enemies though whatever means necessary. Each enemy killed is worth one point.

Rocket Madness was developed as a test game for joystick controls, and the Multiplayer Madness template was used for its simplicity. The concept for Rocket Madness came from dodging RPG enemies in Swipe & Shoot, and the game evolved on its own afterwards.

  • The game was originally called 'Turret Escape', and the enemies were planned to be stationary turrets.
  • The character has a trail to make them seem faster.
  • The music featured in the background is the 'Military_DogFight_Loop' from the 'Dark Future' pack.
  • There are no obstacles in the map, as this would cause issues with the extremely basic enemy AI. The AI moves in a straight line towards the player, so if there were obtsacles, enemies would walk into them instead of around them.
  • The most common strategy for surviving in Rocket Madness is simply reaching one end of the map and going around the edge.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity WebGL

Dimensions: 1136x640

Completion: Demo


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Copyright © Nathan Jew