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Replay | njew.icnc.com

An experimental but fully functional "game" that allows players to save, reload, and share (via copy-paste) their games to any version of the game. This game features a simple goal but very little actual gameplay.

In Replay, players aim (by clicking and holding) and launch (by releasing the mouse) a bouncy projectile into the ring, and attempt to turn every red cylinder in the game area green (by hitting each one) before time runs out. Each time a new cylinder is hit, the timer resets to 10 seconds. The game ends when all the cylinders have been hit at least once (i.e. all green). If the timer reaches zero, the player loses.
Once a player wins or reaches game over, they can save the game to one of four save slots, and can reload them at any time from the Load menu. When replaying a previous save, players can also switch to an angled camera view or a camera that follows the projectile. In addition, players can view the map seed and the angle they shot at, which can be used if the player wishes to send this information to others. From the Manual Load menu, players can then enter any seed and angle to watch.

Replay was originally developed to test the ability to save and load replays (as the name suggests) of Swipe & Shoot, which was planned to be a feature in the game. In order to simplify the process, the game was designed not to be fun or interesting, but to be simple, with as little player input as possible. This allowed players to test both the consistency of the engine and the actual saving process.

  • Much like Game Creator, the game uses a binary formatter to store the data in the PlayerPrefs file.
  • Replay's art style was loosely inspired by Multiplayer Madness, with the orange border and checkered backdrop.
  • The ring shape of the map was used in order to make the field more even all around, and to prevent the projectile from getting caught in corners.
  • The sound effects from Replay come many different sources. The shooting sound comes from Bubble Pop, the object hit sound comes from Target Practice, and the buzzer and celebration sounds are default Apple sound effects.
  • The Manual Save and Load feature was added as an experimental test feature to see what interesting games could be created (and won) just by randomly editing values.
  • The music featured in the game is 'Infotain Me' from LittleBig Planet 2.
  • The unofficial shortening of the name Replay (for scripts and other related files) is RP
  • Replay is the only published game to have the music play constantly without restarting, even if the player reloads the scene (in-game).
  • The timer sound can be heard ticking constantly throughout the game, but increases in volume gradually as time runs out in order to add a sense of urgency, despite the player having no control over the game once it starts.
  • The 'End Game' button was added in the unlikely event that a player decides gives up early, and can actually be saved as a shortened game. However, games that have been ended early cannot be manually loaded with an early end.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity WebGL

Dimensions: 1136x640

Completion: Full Game


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Copyright © Nathan Jew