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Rival | njew.icnc.com

A rival multiplayer game to Jack Southard's then unreleased 'Poly' and Joseph Lerner's still unreleased 'Dungeon.io'. Rival offers a different (and boring) take on the massive multiplayer concept, featuring 2D side-scrolling platformer-like controls and characters loosely based off of the popular Multiplayer Madness. Players can play both offline and online against other players in real time.

Players control a Multiplayer Madness-style player in a side-view 2D map (using A and D or the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to move horizontally). The player has a jetpack with infinite fuel (activated using the W key), and uses a weapon with infinite ammo (using SPACE to shoot). In addition, players can use a shield by pressing the DOWN ARROW or using S, which blocks bullets in one direction. Players can shoot or burn enemies using their jetpack to kill them, which rewards points depending on the enemy difficulty.
In both singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay, turrets are scattered throughout the map, and grant 10 points by default and an additional 5 points per level of turret. Some versions include crates that give 5 points each. Killing other players gives half the amount of points that player had (rounded to their nearest level), meaning that a higher level point grants more points than a lower level player.
As players gain more points, they also level up (each level takes more points than the last, as defined at the top), with every 3 levels rewarding the player a new weapon. Players start with the pistol, but also gain the machine gun, shotgun, and rocket launcher as they progress (in that order). Players can cycle between these weapons using E.

Rival was created as a rival (as the name suggests) to the game 'Poly' by Jack Southard and 'Dungeion.io' by Joseph Lerner (cancelled). The game was designed not to have super exciting gameplay, but instead to be different from other top-down "io" games. Rival used spritework designed in a simlar style to Multiplayer Madness, with the game as a spiritual successor of sorts.
Turrets were added with the knowledge that few people actually went online to play these types of games on the website, providing some level of singleplayer experience.
Weapons are identical to the weapons from Multiplayer Madness, though with improved art to differentiate betwen them. Each weapon has the same stats as in Multiplayer Madness, although some values have been modified slightly.
The game also was developed with an original soundtrack, again to put the game on a level above its rivals. The music was composed in Figure but arranged in GarageBand to allow for more instruments.

  • All of the art is made from circles, squares, and triangles.
  • The tracks featured in the game include 'Balloons' (on the main menu), 'Legend', 'Inspired' (in-game), and 'Website' (unused). In their files, they are tracks 0, 1, 3, and 4, respectively.
  • The color slider took an unexpectedly long amount of time to create, as the formula for converting a single number into three separate numbers took additional time (without going into hexadecimals).
  • The backing used for the nametags is the only instance in any games on the website where UI is dynamically generated in-game.
  • Trails on the bullets were added as an experimental feature.
  • The map featured in the game is barely a tenth of the size of the original map. The map size was reduced in order to promote player encounters.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Nathan Jew

Format: Unity WebGL

Dimensions: 1136x640

Completion: Demo


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Copyright © Nathan Jew