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Survival Shooter | njew.icnc.com
Survival Shooter

Survive for as long as possible in Chase Leffers' slightly modified version of the Unity project of the same name. Shoot down endless hordes of zombie-like enemies and explore the map for secrets.

Players can move their character around the map to avoid the zombie-like enemies using WASD and shoot them down using the mouse. Each enemy is worth 10 points, but the larger enemies are worth 50 points.

Chase developed Survival Shooter over the course of a few weeks, mostly to prove that he was capable of making games for the website. The game is almost entirely the same as the Unity tutorial, but with some minor additions in the map.

  • There are two known additions to the map: the house (towards the center of the map), and a secret green-colored back room.
  • Both of these locations are hidden from enemy AI, allowing the player to camp inside for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Generally speaking, Chase's game is only included on websites to make it seem as though there are more creators.
  • For a short period of time, Chase actually had his own website: www.imxprs.com/free/chaseleffers/ohshit1. However, it had no content.


  • Change


  • Change

Creator: Chase Leffers

Format: Unity Web Player

Dimensions: 960x600

Completion: Full Game


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